Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sr. High Cabin Camp!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Camp was sooooooooooooooo incredible! It truly has been an awesome week. I've loved it so much!!! : )

I don't even know how to begin to describe this week, and it's waaay too much to tell, but I'll try to tell the major points. So to begin...

I had an amazing cabin with an amazing counselor, Katie. Here's a picture of us on the last day of camp. From left to right, it's Katie, me, my cousin Bethany and friend Brandi, Callie, Helena, Danielle, and Cristina. We had an absolutely wonderful group of girls in our cabin, and we got really close this week.

So, of course, we always have a small group made up of two cabins, typically a guy and girl cabin put together in which you do your activities with, and Bible study and everything. So we got put with the freshmen guys. Ok, ok, everything was cool. And there's nothing weird with freshmen at all (I happen to be friends with quite a few-- Macey, Emily, Jacqui, Kayla, etc... =] ), it's just that after our first day, we realized this would be a really long week... But it ended up that throughout the week we became close to our small group and became friends with all of them. And actually, there was one sophomore and a junior, and four freshmen. And something really cool was that two of the freshmen guys were from a set of triplets!!! (Austin and Nathan) This week there was a set of twins there, the two guys from a set of triplets, and a girl from a set of quadruplets. It was quite amazing. But anyway, here is the other cabin of our small group. Oh, and the counselor is Matthew Tolliver, who is part of the summer staff, as Katie is. So again from left to right, it's Matthew, Matthew, Charles, Nathan, Chris, Charlie, and Austin. We became good friends.

Campfires are always so amazing, and God's presence is always so strong there. The food, of course, is sooo good, and the pool is too. Every evening we had Community Life, which is some activity the whole camp does together. Monday we had the option of swimming, basketball, or volleyball. We chose swimming, though I don't think we even got in the pool. Tuesday was Folk Dancing, which is always a blast. Wednesday we played Mingle, a game which gets people in different groups to meet other people and talk about different things either about yourself or world issues or anything. It's quite interesting. Then we played Ninja and Wa. Thursday was Coffee House. That's where we all went to the chapel and had different stations to go to, like snacks, games, music, art, prayer for the world, etc. It was really fun. Then Friday was the talent show. My small group did "Cleaning the Bathhouse". We got like the whole camp to stand up and do the motions with us like wiping the mirrors, sweeping the floors, plunging the toilet, taking out the trash, etc. It was fun and funny.

Every morning we would get up and get ready, go to breakfast, then have morning aerobics with Emily Kemp, the fun and hilarious assistant camp director. That was so much fun. Then we'd have quiet time, which is so awesome at Aldersgate because it's out in nature in the quiet, and it's just so beautiful. Then we would have small group time. Our small group would have Bible Study for the rest of the morning, then go to lunch. After lunch, we'd swim, then do another activity. Tuesday we went to Sugar Camp Cave. You start out walking inside it, then get down on your knees, then eventually you have to pull yourself along on your stomach, and it's kind of difficult, and it's wet and cold. But it's so cool. Then when you get to the back of the cave, everyone can stand up again, and we talked, then turned out all the lights and just stood in the dark and quiet for a few seconds. It was really cool. Wednesday we did low ropes, which are wonderful, fun group elements that get your group closer by teaching us team work. Low ropes are one of my favorite things at camp. Then on Thursday, we switched our Bible Study and activity time, so that morning after Quiet Time, we went to the clay wall. As the name hints, it's just a huge wall of clay in the creek, going up the hillside, and it was fun. We got the clay and put it on us, and I made designs on my arms and we put clay under our eyes like football players do, and we went to lunch that way. Everyone liked it. So that afternoon, we hiked up to Buffalo Cave and had Bible study up there. It was sooo cool because during Bible Study, it started pouring the rain super hard and thundering and lightning. But we were completely safe and sheltered because the top of the cave stretched out over the edge of the mountain where we were, and it was like we were watching a curtain of water pour down over the trees below us on the mountain. We played the game Bacock (I really have no idea how to spell it-- that's just how it sounds!), then when the rain nearly stopped, we hiked back down the very steep trail and slipped and slid the whole way down. But we had so much fun. Then on Friday we did high ropes, which I loved. It's like probably between twenty and thirty feet off the ground, but of course you're harnessed in. I mean, it's still kind of scary all the way up there, but it was so much fun. I tried three different elements that I'd never done before. They were harder, but they were a lot of fun. I really enjoyed them.

So anyway, after pool time and our small group activity, we had free time with the whole camp, then dinner. Then we had Community Life, then campfire. Oh, campfire. I just absolutely love it so much. Here's our campfire ring.

So it was such a wonderful, amazing, incredible, awesome week, and I loved it sooooo much. And I love our cabin, and small group, and God so very, very much.

The last day, they told us that if that day we'd eat at Pizza Hut in Irvine, Aldersgate would get 20% of the profit from our meal. So of course, we thought it'd be a great idea to eat there for lunch. So we went, and there were like a bunch of people from camp, and it was so exciting! I mean, we'd just seen everyone like fifteen minutes before, but it was still cool. Bethany, Brandi, and I all rode down together on Monday, and my mom drove us down, then Uncle Rocky and Aunt Denise picked us up on Saturday. Here's a picture of Brandi, me, and Bethany at Pizza Hut. Then before we left we got a picture of us with the jute box in the restaurant. We had a good time.

So I have absolutely loved this week, and I made many friends- my cabin girls, my small group guys, Eryn, Mary, Sarah, Sara, James, Sammy, Shawn, Jerrod.... and so many many more. I miss them and Aldersgate, but God is the same God here as He is at Aldersgate. It's just so easy and wonderful to go there and get away from everything-- all life's troubles and problems and kind of just escape for a week. I'm exhausted but so so happy. I'm so blessed to be able to go to Aldersgate each year, and I'm so very very glad that I'm going back in a week. But until then... : ) I love camp!!!


  1. Wow!! It sounds like you had loads of fun!!!

  2. Oh Sailor! I love hearing your camp stories:) Now I want to go there again so badly!!!

  3. Looks like so much fun! Where is the camp located?
