Friday, June 19, 2009

My Week Home

Well, this has been my first official week home since school's been out. Of course, we've only been out two and a half weeks; last week we were at Ichthus (which I absolutely loved. I'd go again if I could.), and next week I'm going to camp (which I'm super excited about!). But this week I've been home, and it's been nice just relaxing. Monday my mom woke us up to a breakfast she and my Nanny had cooked for us. (My Nanny is staying with us this week because she's had doctor's appointments.) Then we just relaxed the whole day, except that evening VBS started. I helped with the sound stuff in the back during the opening, then I would help with the little dance/ music classes throughout the evening. On Tuesday we went to the dentist and I got my little cavity filled, got a sealant put on another tooth, then went to the movies. I saw the movie Up and had a really really good time. Then we had Bible School again. Well, we've had it every night this week, obviously. Also, some nights this week my family has watched Andy Griffith episodes together. Wednesday and Thursday we relaxed at home again (which is very nice to do every once in a while! =] ) Thursday evening we had strawberry shortcake and it was soooo good. Today we got up and went to work at my Mimi and Papaw's. We cleaned out the inside of their car and washed the outside. Then we scrubbed down the front of their garage and one wall of siding on the back of the house. Then afterward, we went swimming at our cousins' pool. The water was perfect, and it felt so wonderful. Then we hurried home to get ready for the closing night of VBS. We had the usual opening, then had hotdogs and games the rest of the evening. After we ate, Jacqui and I watched some sack races, then Gabriel got to pie Pastor David in the face because of a contest we had between the girls and boys to see who could raise the most money. That was pretty funny. But it wasn't the first time I've seen Pastor David get pied! =] After that, Jacqui and I did a three-legged race with a sack, and it was a lot of fun. We came in second. (I mean, there were only four teams, but we couldn't beat the guys. I think we did pretty good, though =] ) Then this evening when we got home, I helped Dad in the garden, then Gabriel and I went on a little hike behind our house and picked some mushrooms to eat. Kidding, kidding. We did pick mushrooms, but we didn't eat them! They were just cool to look at. And this is kind of random, but have you ever watched a cat eat? (Don't worry, I don't do this often. Actually, I never really have.) See, we've been having to put our cat food on top of my dad's old car because one of our dogs has been getting out of their fence on the hill behind our house, and she'll eat up all the cat food. So when I fed them this evening on top of the car, I was watching them eat. Only two were eating at the time- our one little female cat, Stripe (although she doesn't have one stripe on her!), and our largest male cat, Tiger. Little Stripe was just licking up the food so delicately, but Tiger was eating it so fast! His mouth looked like a shovel as he would just scoop up the food. It made me laugh! Ok, I just had to throw that out there. But anyway, tomorrow Mom and I are going to town to get some things on my list before I go to camp (I'm super excited! But I think I already said that.), then we have a Father's Day celebration at my Mimi and Papaw's house. Horray for dads!!! So it has been a very very good, relaxing week.


  1. Have fun at camp! I love summer camp.

  2. My brother took my sister hiking and we had fun, too. And we have three cats! Sorry, that was random!

  3. Whitney! I love the layout. And I love you! So there.
