Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Official License

Well, I know my picture's kind of blurry, but I put it on here because I got my unrestricted license today! Hooray! I mean, I've had my restricted license for like 7 1/2 months now, but today I finally made it to the county clerk's office to get my "official" license. So I have been pretty excited today! : )

But see, it all started becuase this morning I had to go the dentist, and that went well excpet that I have a tiny cavity in one of my teeth (my first one! which stinks that I now have one after all these years), but after that, we were planning on going to the Catlettsburg courthouse to get my unrestricted license. My mom called but they said we could do it at the Arcade in Ashland. So we drove right down the street and went to the Arcade. It was so cute!!! Actually, it was a huge old building that had all kinds of different little offices and things in it. So I got my license, registered to vote, then saw a little place inside the Arcade called Jim's Hot Dogs and Spaghetti. It was so cute! We (my mom, brother, and myself) went in and ordered the special for today- meatloaf sandwiches. I know it sounds kind of weird, but it was surprisingly good! There were only like three tables and some stools by the window, and when we went in there was only one man. He was reading his newspaper and eating spaghetti. But I kind of felt sorry for him because Gabriel seemed to get increasingly louder, and a couple times the man would glance over at our table from his news, wondering who the loud family was that was eating beside him. But I have to admit, Gabriel was being pretty funny because he didn't realize what he was doing. He would just sometimes laugh or hiccup or cough or clear his throat loudly, and I would just have to laugh too. Finally near the end of our meal, after Gabriel had made like three consecutive loud noises, I asked, "Could you be any louder?" which caused him to laugh (loudly, of course) which then caused the man to look over at us again. Finally we left that cute little restaurant. I bet the man was happy.

On our way down the long halls of the Arcade, we saw a barber shop. Gabriel needed a haircut, so we decided to take him there. This whole place was just too cute. But I'm sure it was a thriving shopping center years ago. But anyway, we walked to the barber shop, then started to laugh when we saw the barber had a shaved head and Gabriel badly hoped he didn't do all his customer's hair like his own. Thankfully, the cut went well, then we left the cute little Arcade.

Well, that was my big day. Actually, we did all that before noon. Oh, and after the Arcade, we went to get the oil changed in our van, but that's not really exciting or cute, so I won't talk about that one. So all in all, it was a very productive day.


  1. Hey Whitney! I'm Emily Jackon's sister (I also know Macey). I liked the post, in October I'll get my unrestricted license! Feel free to drop by my blog, I'll be coming back to yours.=)

  2. Cool! It's a long time until I get my license :)

  3. How CUTE, Whitney:)We'll have to go for another ride somtime now!

  4. Hey, guys! Thanks for getting on my blog. I've visited all of yours, and I'll definitely be back! : ) Thanks- I'm really excited about my unrestricted license! And Macey, we will have to go for another ride sometime soon! : )

  5. Whitney, thanks for the kind comment you left on my blog.=) Alos, thanks for following my blog!
