Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Week In-Between

Wow, it's been a really long time since I last posted on here. Well, just a wk, but I'll be gone again for another week at Aldersgate. This was my week in-between camps. I thought I'd try to give a debrief of this past wk, but I think it's going to be kind of long. It has actually been pretty eventful, I just haven't written. So......

Sunday: Our youth group went to get ice cream at Crisp's, then we went to Central Park. hooray!

Monday: We went swimming at our cousins' pool and we got a trampoline (our first ever!)

Tuesday: Jacqui, Gabriel, and I pulled weeds and cleaned out gutters at our Mimi and Papaw's house. Then Jacqui and I spent the night with Bethany.

Wednesday: We walked and rode the tire swing at Bethany's, then came home, I took Gabriel to Wal-Mart, and we had youth.

Thuraday: I woke up with poison ivy. And I think we stayed home that day. It was nice and relaxing.

Friday: We washed windows and cleaned bathtubs at Mimi and Papaw's house. Then our cousin Randee's fiance Mark's little brother Matt (you got that?) is Gabriel's age, and they went to camp together last yr. Matt was coming in to visit (they live in Pikeville), so we wanted to get him and Gabriel together. So Matt, Mark, Randee, and her brother Jesse all came over and jumped on our trampoline, then we went to Randee and Jesse's (and Chelsey's, but she was volunteering at camp this wk) pool and swam in the freezing cold water, and Matt and Mark kept pouring/splashing water on us. Then we went home, got cleaned up, and went back to their house to set off fireworks with them. Then after that (it was about 11 pm by then), we played a girls- against- boys basketball game and had a really good time. It was Mark, Matt, Gabriel, and Jesse against Jacqui, Randee, and me. The guys won (Gabriel made the winning shot, btw! =] ), but the girls actually led until the end of the game. We were playing to 24 points, and the girls had it all the way until 22, then we were tied, so of course whoever made the next shot won. It was unfortunate for us girls. :)

Saturday: Fourth of July! We went to our great Aunt Dale's for the big 4th of July family get- together. Then we went to our Nanny's house to celebrate too, then my mom, Jacqui, my Mimi, and I went to Morehead to meet up with our cousin Leanndra. She's at GSP this summer, and Saturday was family day- when the students could leave all day to be with their families (the name makes sense, doesn't it =] ). So she invited us to Dairy Queen to have ice cream, and we had such a fun time. We laughed a whole whole lot.

Sunday: Went to church, Matt came home with Gabriel, we jumped on the trampoline, packed, had our youth dinner this evening, I led worship at church, had youth group, and came home and packed some more. Actually, I am still in the process.

And I am so super- duper excited about this wk! This camp is called Leisure Ministries and at this camp it's like we live the Bible. The first year I went, one day we were Hebrew slaves in Egypt. Last year one evening we hiked up a mountain and went into "exile" and slept in tents. It was sooo cool. So I am so very excited. And this yr is the life of Jesus, so this will be a really great one too. And then to top it off, on Saturday on our way home from camp, we are going to stop in Winchester and see a Sanctus Real and Tenth Avenue North (my FAVORITE band!) concert. So that will make leaving camp not as sad, because I always am when I go home. So next week is going to be sooooooooooo great, and I'm very excited to see what God is going to do!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Can't wait til camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
