Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Summer is here! Woo hoo!!!
Well, since it's now summer and I have some time on my hands, I decided to get a blog. I like to write a lot, so even if nobody reads this, I'll still enjoy writing. : ) But anyway...
Summer is here! Woo hoo!!!
I just finished my junior year, and surprisingly I've loved it! It's been my favorite year of high school so far. This year I only had nine people in my class (I know, right?) but we're all like best friends and I love all my classmates very much. It's kind of sad to see it end. We've done such fun things together- like going to Nashville, and a Reds Game in a hummer limo, and Blue Licks, and making fun things like a Spirit Week rap/dance. Last week we each wrote something positive about each of our classmates, and Mrs. Fields put the comments about each of us on separate sheets of paper, so we each got to see what everyone said about us. And on the back of the paper Mrs. Fields had the "Friends are Friends Forever" song. It made me love my class even more. We've all gotten so close this year. But next year will just be so different! I know, though, that change is a good thing and that it's necessary to move on in life- it's just hard for me. Change is one of my weaknesses, I think. I'm usually pretty laid back, but when something big changes (not like rearranging my room or changing my favorite flavor of ice cream or making little spontaneous changes) like, umm... well friends leaving school like Mrs. Bentley or Kayla or Keyur. :( This makes me sad. But what was I saying? Oh yes- next yr. It will be different. But it will be good. I'm just a little sad. But it's ok, because...
Summer is here! Woo hoo!!!


  1. Hey Whitney, thanks so much for following my blog!!! I love the background for yours :)


  2. What a precious picture! It has my twin,and bubby,and half bubby and bro:) and of course my sailor!!! Love ya dearie!

  3. yes, yes it does Macey. wow, you're related to most of my class! : ) Love you too, dear. =]
