Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Time!

Beautiful, beautiful summer. I'm so happy. We've had so much wonderful family time together, and all the relaxation has been wonderful! I had an early morning today because I had to go to our last yearbook work day, which thankfully didn't take long at all. Then I went with my Aunt Chris to her school to help her clean up her classroom and get everything off the floor. Afterwards, she took us (her, my cousin Chelsey, and myself) to Bob Evans to eat lunch, and it was so absolutely delicious. Open- faced roast beef. Yum!

I came home and relaxed the rest of the afternoon, then my family had a very very late supper in which we had homemade banana milkshkes which were absolutely delicious. Now I am writing this. But yesterday- yesterday was just as good. Of course, we had church, then a restful afternoon. My mom and brother made delightful strawberry milkshakes from the strawberries my dad had picked the day before. (We've been making milkshakes, smoothies, etc. lately because Gabriel, Jacqui, and I got our parents a toaster and blender for Christmas, so we like making our own little recipes all the time.) We then decided to go to our cousins' pool again and pick some cherries to make another cobbler. Then we hurried home, freshened up, and went back to church. Our youthgroup had our weekly dinner, I led woship for the service, then my family came home, made the cherry cobbler, and watched Facing the Giants together. What a beautiful evening that was too.

(These are some of the cherries picked yesterday, and I just thought they were so pretty.)
Then tomorrow...

We're heading to Ichthus! Well, actually tomorrow evening my family is going down to my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Lee's house in Lexington where we'll stay the night-- well, actually the rest of the week. I think Ichthus technically begins Thursday, but we'll probably wander over to there Wednesday evening to see which bands are playing, because there should still be some concerts going on. So we are very excited! There are so many bands (ones I've seen before and new ones) that I would like to see. So this week I'll be in Wilmore rocking out to some of my favorite Christian bands! Hooray! It will be loads of fun, and I'll make sure to write all about it when I get back.

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