Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Turkey Day!!!
So... this past month has been good. I've done things like go to a Ravenna concert, the band my cousins Chelsey and Mark and some of their friends are in; play in a piano competition at KCU; go to a Thanksgiving/ Christmas parade (which was last night actually and was really fun), and spend time with my whole family because it seems like we're always having parties (and if it's not someone's birthday, we're celebrating like Columbus Day or something. Just kidding, we don't go that far, but we get together and have fun as often as we can lol). Which is why I'm sooo super excited about tomorrow, because...
It's Thanksgiving!!! I absolutely love the holidays and spending time with my family. So tomorrow, we go up to Nanny's (my dad's mom) and have a wonderful delicious meal (yum yum!). Then we go to Mimi and Papaw's (my mom's parents) and all the family comes in, and we have another yummy yummy meal. And by the end of the day, I am sooo stuffed. But it's ok, because the food is delicious and family is wonderful, and I just can't wait.
So some things I'm thankful for- oh goodness, the list could go on and on. I'm so blessed. But some of the top things are my amazing family, my great school, my wonderful church, my super good friends, my health (although... I do have a sinus infection right now. How ironic. But typically we're all very healthy lol) and my epic God! (Zane, I told you I'd use that sometime =] )
So I'm so blessed and thankful for all that, plus our freedom. We have freedom to worship Jesus whenever, wherever we want, and that is so awesome!
So anyway, everyone have very happy holidays, don't forget to be thankful for allllllllllll God's blessed us with, and happy turkey day!!! : )
Monday, October 26, 2009
Well, for one thing, we don't have school on Mondays, so we got to be home today, and the school my mom teaches at is out for sickness, so she was home today with us too! So it was good bein with them today.
See, the day started out with us thinking we were going to get flu and pneumonia shots, but when we got to the health dept, the flu immunization things weren't even shots! They were just that mist stuff you spray in your nose, so that was no big deal. And then they told us they didn't give people our age pneumonia shots, even though we thought everything about that had been established on the phone earlier. But, I mean, hey, I was fine with not getting two shots today!
Then we went to Wal-Mart on the way home, and Mom bought some ingredients for quiche and other things for my bday. Then we came home and had a super fun day. It was gorgeous outside today, which made me sooo happy and surprised me since it's the end of October. So I spent time outside, and Jacqui, Gabriel (and even Mom for a while), jumped on the trampoline a lot, and we played football on it, which was really fun. Well, ok, football as in my brother had the ball, so I tried to tackle him and get it from him, but that didn't work so well. We just fell on the trampoline and were rolling all over the place, me trying to get the ball from him, and him keeping it from me, and then Jacqui tried to help too. We played that for a while, keeping the football away from the others, and the others like on top of you, trying to get it back. It was quite fun! lol :)
So now Mom's teaching her night class at the college, then when she gets home we're gonna have a little party. I was thinkin today that I'm sooo blessed. I'm surrounded by family and great friends who love me, and a God Who's crazy about each one of us, and He gave us this perfect weather and He made laughter which I love. I laugh a lot. I'm just so happy and thankful and, well, yeah, that's what I was gonna say. So anyway, I've had a super fun day. Oh, and my Nanny who has Alzeheimers just now called while I was typin this and she wished me a happy birthday, and it was so good talking to her. She still does pretty well right now. I mean, she's even still able to live by herself! But that's another reason that I'm so blessed: to still have my Nanny who's doin well, and for all of my wonderful grandparents; my Mimi just called too. :) So I'm just a very happy girl tonight. And I feel so blessed. :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fall Break!
Last week was my fall break and it was soooo wonderful. Just wonderful. I have a great school and great friends, and thankfully not a hard work load at all this year-- but I was ready for a break. The week was fun, but it started before that first Monday we got to sleep in. It began Friday evening for our middle/ high school spirit week banquet, or as we affectionately call it, "Formal Hangout." And see, formal hangout is the end to our wonderful spirit week, but I'll have to post about that later. I know I say that all the time, that I'll post later, but when something exciting happens, I want to put that right then. lol. So, oh yes! Formal Hangout...
We were dismissed at 2 on Friday after our fun and very messy olympics. We all had to go home, shower all the chocolate, oatmeal, etc. off of us (don't worry, I really will try to explain later). Then we got all dressed up and met at the picture studio in Sears to, well, get our pictures taken! Then finally, finally we got to go to Melini's. It's this delicious Italian Restaurant, and we were all very hungry. So we ate there (I got a wonderful portion of fettuccini chicken alfredo which was super yummy but also too much to eat. But no worries- I took it home and ate it for lunch the next day=] ) Then we headed back to school where we all got changed from our "formal clothes" into jeans and hoodies and played Keep-Away with a little ball, boys against girls, on the parking lot in the dark and the cold... it was so much fun! lol. We also had a little bonfire and we stood around that some, and we hung out in the gym and ate snacks and talked. It was really fun. We left about midnight and slept in on Saturday. It was so wonderful. That day I did absolutely nothing, and it made me very excited because I knew I was about to have a whole week of relaxation like that. So I'll give a quick over-view of my week. The funny thing is, the weekends encompassing fall break were actually some of the best parts of it, but the week was wonderful too.
Sunday afternoon we had a birthday party for our cousin, but we only got to stay a few minutes because I had choir practice at church, then I led worship, then we had youth. So after church Jacqui, Gabriel, and I went back over to our cousins' house, and we watched Bride Wars with Chelsey and Aunt Chris. It was a fun evening.
Monday- relaxtion. Completely. It was cool but sunshiny out, and I laid on the trampoline in the warm sunshine and was super happy that we were on break.
Tuesday- I had a piano lesson that evening, then we went to Mimi and Papaw's house and ate dinner and visited with them for a while, which is always really fun.
Wednesday- I went with Chelsey and Aunt Chris to help show Chelsey the course for her driving test, then we picked up Jacqui and Gabriel and we went back to Aunt Chris and Uncle Mark's house where we helped them move furniture and such. As we were moving Jesse into Randee's old room, we had House of Heroes playing really loud and we were eating runts candy from like 3 Christmases ago, and it was a blast! Then we ate dinner with them (Aunt Chris made a super yummy meal), then went to youth with Randee and Mark.
Thursday- We went to Mimi and Papaw's again. Fun! :)
Then Friday was the beginning of our fun weekend! We went down to Lexington to stay the night with Aunt Debbie and Leanndra because we were going to the Cincinnati Zoo the next day. But that evening I got to go to one of my best friends' football games in Bourbon Co, and I had a such a good time!!! And since we live like 2 and a half hours or so from there, I hardly ever get to see my friend, so it was really good to see him. Oh, and they won. Hooray!
And Saturday, we went to the zoo! We had a really great time there too. I hadn't been to the zoo in a long time, but it was so much fun. I'm sorry I don't have any pics to post on here, because we saw some really cool animals, but I didn't take my camera in with me, and my brother did, but I don't have his pics on here. But anyway, we saw elephants and lions, rhinos and tigers, seals, bears, birds, gorillas, monkeys... so many pretty, cute animals (and some not so cute. But very entertaining.) I enjoy watching like all of the animals, but I think maybe the tigers were my favorite that day. There was a beautiful mommy tiger and four little cubs and they were sooo cute. But the cutest thing was that the momma was resting there, with her beautiful face and fur, and her big pretty paws crossed so delicately (if a huge tiger can be delicate), and one of her little cubs was behind her just kinda laying there too with its little paw on his momma, and it was so sweet!! They were really cute!!
Then Sunday was homecoming at the church where my Papaw pastors, so we went there and heard great music (from some of our family; 0ur second couins to be exact), heard my uncle (who's also a pastor at a different church) speak, and had a delicious meal. Church dinners are the best.
So my fall break was very, very wonderful. Everyone needs some down time and relaxation once in a while, and I think my week was just about perfect for that. :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My Beautiful Creator
Well see, lately I've been having my quiet time outside under this huge oak tree on the hill behind our house, and it's such a beautiful, quiet spot. Yesterday it had rained, so I decided I would have my quiet time in bed before I go to sleep like I used to always do. But I really needed to pray, but I just wanted to do it outside where I was alone with God. It was still wet and it was gettin dusky outside, but it had stopped raining, so I went up on our hill and was about to sit down under that special oak tree when I saw and remembered some beautiful honeysuckle growing on a fallen tree just a few yards away. But the beautiful thing about them was that they were white and pink! They were so gorgeous! And I was even more amazed because it's the end of September, and there they are growing! And let me mention a side-note really quick: The other day, on like Sept 21, I was kinda sad because it was like the last day of summer (even though I really like the fall too). It's just that it's been such a wonderful summer, I didn't want to see it go. But after I told God about that, I saw those gorgeous honeysuckle (which typically are summer plants, right?), and I think He was giving me a little hug. Or maybe a big hug, just because He's God and He does that sometimes. So I walked over there and looked at them, and I could smell them- maybe because of the fresh rain- and it was just so pretty. I wanted to get a good picture of them, so I tried to take some, but I just couldn't capture the way they looked as I was seeing them- they were just so beautiful! But here are a few of the pics I got:

Monday, September 14, 2009
Hope for Africa Children's Choir
Well, first of all, I slept in very late on Saturday morning, and it felt so wonderful because I was very tired. Then that evening we went to Central Park where the Hope for Africa Children's Choir was performing. The spring before this last one, they had come to our church and we were a host family to three beautiful girls and one of their chaperones, and it was really amazing. But let me back up to that Saturday over a year ago.....
Well, when our church found out the children's choir was coming, they asked us (my brother, my sister, and myself) to come entertain the children a couple hours before the host families for our church would come pick them up. So we agreed, but when that Saturday came, I was very excited about hosting some little African girls in our home, but I was not too excited about entertaining thirty or so kids for two hours. Yet we went to church anyway, and my thoughts were immediately changed when we got there. We walked into the building, and a few little African children greeted us w/ "Hi, Auntie!" and w/ large hugs. I was shocked. These children had never met us before. Their smiling teachers told us they had just finished their schooling for the day, so they were free to go play w/ us. So we took them outside, and the first thing we did was sing. I had brought my guitar, and we stood outside on the breezy, spring evening and sang w/ the children. And let me tell you- those African kids can dance. We did the song "Cast Your Burdens," and they sang along, and even the kids who didn't know the song danced. It was so wonderful to see such young hearts dance, sing, and be joyful before Jesus. It was so great.
After we sang a couple songs, we played a game w/ them- elbow tag. That lasted for a while, the children being so thrilled and happy and smiley. I don't think I could wipe the smile off my own face the whole evening.
Then the children just played on the playground and laughed and talked. They talked so quickly, and even though they were speaking English, it was still hard to understand them. The children had been taken from the streets of Uganda not even a year before, and been brought to a refuge, and were schooled and taught English, and some got the opportunity to visit America w/ the traveling children's choir. They were so precious.
All the children had short, black hair- even the girls. So when the girls noticed that my sister and I had long, blonde hair, they rushed over and asked if they could play w/ it. So we sat down and they gathered around us and began to play w/ our hair, and tie it and braid it and do whatever they could w/ it, and they were chattering so quickly to each other as they worked that I had no idea what they were even saying. But they were happy, so we were happy.
Then the host families came to pick them up. After all the children got to the places they were supposed to go, we took home our three. And we had such a fun evening. We went home and w/ the girls in our front yard, we played catch w/ a ball, and played tag until it was time to go in and eat. My mom and dad had made spaghetti- the girls had never eaten it before.
After the meal, which the girls were so grateful to us- "Thank you Auntie; Thank you Uncle- they immediately began taking up our plates doing the dishes in the kitchen. We told them they were guests and they didn't have to, but they insisted and quietly and humbly cleaned up the kitchen.
They got their baths, but before they went to bed, they came in and said they would like to do devotion w/ us. They sang a beautiful song and prayed a beautiful, heart-felt prayer, w/ their arms lifted to our Father above, and I was in awe that children so young- our girls were 9, 11, and 13- could have hearts so pure and sincere.
The next morning we took them to church, and the service was to be the children's performance. It began w/ the praise team leading a worship song, and one or two of the African men w/ the children's group helped lead worhip too. It was so cool. And then, they dimmed the lights, the sanctuary got completely silent, and suddenly the entire front row of the little children in their matching African attire, rushed onto the stage in an excited whoop and constant yell, as the first four ran and banged on the bongos while the other children got to their places. And then they began their songs. Oh my goodness, it was incredible. Those children could dance and sing and they were so joyful the whole time they did it! And it was really cute, because in one of the first songs, the smallest little boy, Derek, who was only 5, lost his shoe while they were dancing, so he went off the stage and got it, but instead of going back up, he just stayed and sat in the back row. So my brother motioned for him to come over and sit with us, so little Derek came and sat on my brother's lap. A few minutes later I almost cried when I saw Derek's little brown hand in Gabriel's larger white one. This is the kind of thing Jesus intended- and I know God was happy.
I don't remember exactly what the last song was that they did, but when they finished, everyone was crying. It was an absolutely amazing service.
Afterward, the host families went over to the family life center where breakfast was served to the children. Here is a picture of us w/ our three girls:
And before they left, they sang us another last song. It was so sweet. Here it is:
Then it was so sad because as the children were hugging us all good- bye, some of them started crying, and it made us cry, and when we walked them out to their bus we cried some more. But it was a wonderful experience, and we were soo blessed by it.
And I realized that that's how we are supposed to be- so grateful and joyful and pure in heart, and overflowing with love for our Jesus- just like the African children.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Campfires and Break Dancing
Well to begin, I'll just explain the title of this post. And if you're wondering how campfires and break dancing go together... well, they don't except for the fact that those were the highlights of my weekend a couple weekends ago. (As I said, I'm a little behind =])
So on that Saturday night, my dad and brother came home w/ hotdogs and marshmallows, and they built a campfire! It was so much fun. My dad came in and un-bent a couple wire hangers to use as the things to roast our food w/ (I can't remember what they're called), and we did just that. We brought out some lawn chairs and sat around the little fire and roasted our hotdogs and then made s'mores. They were sooo yummy. I ate three of them.
Then we just sat there under the beautiful stars and talked and I played my guitar some, and we just had a cozy little family time. It was really fun.
Then Sunday evening was the annual talent show at our church. I sang and played a song on the piano. It was Beloved by Tenth Avenue North. I had just pretty much learned it that day, but I really wanted to share it w/ the church because it's such an incredible song- it's like Jesus is singing to us, to me, and He's pursuing us, and it's such a cool song. But then......
Break Dancing!!! Yep, that's what we did. See, our youth group did a skit like "America's Got Talent," and the act our friend Hannah and my sister and I did was break dancing. It was really fun. See, we really don't know the first thing about it, which made it sooo much more fun and funny. We were in costume and everything- I was wearing my chucks, jeans w/ a hole in them, my brother's shorts over those, a big hoodie, and a sideways ballcap. I have to admit, I felt pretty gangsta. haha. And I would have a couple pictures, but we never could get them on here. So anyway, I think we had a TobyMac song playing, and we walked out on the stage then just like dropped to the floor and started spinning and flopping and acting like we knew what we were doing. It was sooo much fun.
But that was two weeks ago, and now it's the weekend again, and I'm very happy. School has been good, and I don't hardly have homework so far this yr, which has been nice. But weekends are always so wonderful, and this is gonna be another good one. Last weekend our parents were out of town, and I ran my brother around everywhere. Friday night we took him to a birthday party. Saturday morning he had a car wash because their class is raising money for as fieldtrip. Then Jacqui and I bought groceries, pet food, recycled, picked up my brother, got his allergy shot, then came home and relaxed. Then Sunday was Mark Walz Sr.'s funeral. Even though it was very sad, it was very good too because he was a great man who God had really used to reach other people's lives. The church was packed, there was worhip and there was laughter, and it was cool to see a huge body of believers who had gathered for a funeral be able to sing our praise to God.
So I know this weekend will be very wonderful too. Well, tomorrow I have to take Gabriel to another car wash, but that's always fine. Then Sunday and Monday we're doing a bunch of stuff w/ our whole family, and I'm really excited, so I'll have to write about that later. But so far it's been a great yr, and I'm sure I'll have much to tell as it goes on. :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Senior Year!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Girls' Grandcamp!
It started on Sunday when our little cousins Anna Keren and Joseph had their birthday party. So after we celebrated and ate cake and such, Aunt Barbie and Uncle Kevin (Anna Keren and Joseph's parents) told us they'd rented a pontoon, and we were all going to go out to Grayson Lake. So we did and we had such a fun time. We and Anna Keren would laugh so hard when we went over the waves from other boats because water would splash up on us, and we managed to get pretty wet, actually, even though we never got out of the boat. It was really fun.
Then we went back to Mimi and Papaw's house and were going to pick out a movie. We had about decided on The Last Sin Eater when we realized we'd better choose something Anna Keren could watch too. The Aristocats is was! :) Mimi made us popcorn and peanut butter fudge, and we watched the classic disney movie and laughed and had a good time. Then we got out a bunch of blankets and pillows, and all camped out on Mimi and Papaw's living room floor. It was great.
Monday morning we woke up around eight o'clock to the sound of Joseph's talking/ laughing/ baby noises. haha. We tried to doze a while longer, then got up to Mimi's delicious pancakes. They are seriously the best ones I've ever eaten. They're so good! So I ate three of those, then we went on a nature walk outside on the quiet little streets of the neighborhood behind Mimi and Papw's house. Then we decided we'd go and help Randee and Mark in their apartment, cause they still had a lot to do in it. And Kentucky Christian University (where they both go to school) is only 5 mins away from Mimi and Papaw's, so we drove over there, washed dishes and such for around two hours, then went back to Mimi and Papaw's house and got ready to go to the fair! We try to go to the Carter County Fair each year we can, and we have so much fun! The only problem was, when we got there, very dark clouds were overhead an quickly traveling our way. So we waited a few minutes, then decided we'd do it anyway. It didn't look like they were going to close down the rides, so off we went! We did the scrambler, the pirate ship (my personal favorite =]) the superman, and quasar, or something like that, and that one was not cool. It made a couple of the cousins sick, so we took a break for a couple minutes (it's been raining for a while now, and it's beginning to lightning too), did a few more rides, then decided we were ready to go. It was dark, pouring the rain, and lightning hugely! So we went back to Mimi and Papaw's, got into warm, dry clothes, and just relaxed a little before heading off to bed.
Tuesday morning (again we awoke to Joseph! lol) Mimi made us cinnamon rolls, cherry turn- overs, and bacon for breakfast, then we just chilled and watched tv until Anna Keren got back from her dentist appointment. Then we went swimming in the neighbors' pool, and it was sooo super duper fun. We had a good time. After over an hour of that, we came back and did music. I played the guitar and we sang for a long time, then Leanndra got out her fiddle, and we did a few more songs. Then we went in, and Mimi and Aunt Barbie wanted to hear some of our songs, so then we did some for them, and little Joseph played along by doing percussion w/ whatever he could. And he'd bounce up and down and clap to the music. It was very cute. Then Papaw brought us all pizza, and we ate and visited, then said our good-byes. It was so much fun, though. It was a very relaxing, happy time together with family. My cousins are like my best friends ever, and my Mimi and Papaw are the greatest! I'm so glad we still keep up the tradition of "grandcamp." :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Aldersgate, Wedding, Cooking... : )
Well, the week after dance camp, I just stayed home and relaxed. Well, actually Sunday- Wednesday, because Thursday we went down to Aldersgate again! Hooray! We went down to my Uncle Lee and Aunt Debbie's house, and we stayed the night there, and Friday, my cousin Leanndra came home from GSP! We were sooo excited to see her! So we hung out w/ her at Aldersgate that whole day, then late that night, we (this being my mom, sister, brother, and myself) headed to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Lee's house in Lexington, the one where they stay during the school year since Aunt Debbie pastors a church there. So we took Andrew back w/ us and dropped him off at a friend's birthday party (and it was like 1 in the morning, but his friends were spending the night), then we went on to our couins' house and crashed out. We stayed there the weekend, then Monday morning we went back to Aldersgate to drop off Gabriel for camp, then my mom, Jacqui, and I hurried back to Ashland where my cousin Randee was having a bridal shower. It was a really great, spiritual, fun time, and the food was really great too.
Tuesday we went over to my Mimi and Papaw's house to see our cousins who are in visiting from England. We spent the day w/ Anna Keren (5 yrs.) and Joseph (11 months), and they are so cute. Then that evening we went to Ironton to have Randee's bachelorette party at Buffalo Wild Wings, and that was fun too.
Wednesday we pretty much just chilled at home. Thursday, on the other hand, was quite eventful. My sister and I got up, went w/ my dad to meet my Nanny at the doctor, then dropped him off there and went to the mall to shop for school clothes- polos and khakis. We found a few polos, but didn't have as great luck on the khakis. Anyway, I'll move on, cause I don't really want to talk about school right now. So after we shopped a couple hours, we drove to Grayson where Randee and Mark (her fiance) were moving into their KCU apartment, because their wedding would be that Saturday! So them, Chelsey (Randee's sister) and their dad, Jacob (one of Mark's friends), Will (one of Jacob's friends), and Jacqui and I helped move all their stuff in. Mark and Randee both go to KCU, so they are going to live in the married- student housing. Their apartment was actually really nice, and they were very excited about it. Then Randee and Chelsey's mom and some of their family from Florida brought us pizza, and we ate that on the floor of their apartment, since there was no furniture set up yet or anything. It was fun.
After being there for a few hours, we went over to my Mimi and Papaw's house (just 5 mins. away) and visited Anna Keren and Joseph for a couple hours, then went home. That was a fun but busy day! : )
Friday afternoon my sister and I just relaxed at home, then that evening my mom and us went up to Louisa to my Nanny's house where my Aunt Sandy (visiting from NC) was staying for a couple days, and my dad was up there visiting too. So we went up and had a very fun time, and we laughed a lot, and it was good too see my Nanny and her two kids- my Aunt Sandy and Dad- having such a happy time together. It was a lot of fun.
We headed back home late that evening, then I had to pack because I was going to spend the next wk at Aldersgate as a cook, because even though that wk was actually the last wk of camp, there was still a retreat and a football camp coming. And since Saturday was the wedding at Aldersgate, I was just going to stay that weekend w/ Uncle Lee, Aunt Debbie, Leanndra, and Andrew, since I had to be back at Aldersgate on Monday anyway. So...
Saturday was the wedding!!! We got up early, packed up our dad's truck w/ folding chairs, ferns, and coffee pots for the wedding, and we headed down to Aldersgate. When we got there, we (being the families of both Mark and Randee) hurriedly set up. We decorated and prepared food, and set up all the stuff, and by the time we were done and got to get ready (the music for the wedding started at 4:30, btw), it was 4:00! Ahh!!! So everyone had to get ready super super quick, but we made it!
And oh, the wedding was splendid! It was sooo beautiful and sweet, and Randee was a gorgeous bride, and Mark's dad (who has stage four colon cancer and has been very very very sick) was able to stand up and preach some of the wedding and do the vows. It was so wonderful and such an answer to prayer. Also at the wedding, Mark and Randee served Communion, which was super cool too. It was just perfect.

Clean-up!!! The Hyde Park retreat would be there that afternoon, and we had to finish cleaning the chapel from the wedding, the cottages, the lodge, and cook dinner. But everything worked great. Actually there were only two other summer staff members there, but Tuesday morning three more came, and we've had such a super fun week. Actually, I'm here right now while I'm writing this. Everyday between lunch and dinner I have like a three hour break, so today Leanndra is cleaning her room, and I decided I needed to catch up on here. But this wk-
Oh, it's been so fun! I've loved it all! I stay the night w/ Leanndra each night, then at 7:15 each morning I go cook! But once I'm up, it's so fun. Since summer camp is over, the summer staff could go home, but there were five helping here this wk. Thom, Zac, and I were the cooks, Zach works w/ the horses, and Daniel and Josiah help out w/ whatever they're asked to do. Working in the kitchen has been a blast, and it's been really funny too. I can't even begin to explain everything that's gone on, so I won't even try. But it's been really good. And remember there's been a football camp (consisting of like at least 60 some high school football players or something) going on, so that's made this wk quite, umm, interesting. They eat a bunch of food, and get concussions and broken ankles, and use up all the water..... haha jk, it's ok. It's been a great wk.
So that's been these past three weeks, and they've all been wonderful. And this one has been soooo much fun!
But for now, I'm gonna go cook soon, and after dinner Leanndra, Andrew, David, and I are gonna go on a hike up to a cave, then maybe go for a night swim. We did that last night too, and it was really fun. Well, I'll tell about that really quick before I get off. So Andrew had been really wanting to go up to this cave that's been found recently, and Leanndra, David (he's been lifeguarding here this wk), and I were gonna go w/ him cause there have to be four people. But it's been hard to fit our schedules together because David has so many hours he works at the pool, and I'm usually cooking or cleaning, so by the time we got things worked out last night, it was like 8:30. So we began the hike, but then realized it would be quite dark on the way back, so we decided to go tomorrow (which is today, now) and came back and went swimming. So when I got to the pool, it was David, Daniel, Zac, Thom, Josiah, and Andrew, and the water was kinda cold at first. So I just sat at the edge of the pool w/ my feet in, but they kept saying I had to get in, and I said I would, but I just like to work my way in slowly. But I guess I was going a little too slow because Thom and Josiah came over and picked me up and were about to throw me into the water, but thankfully they were kind and didn't (although they had counted to three and everything!), but then Leanndra got there, and I got in the pool, and everything was fine and dandy. But anyway, I really will get off here now. Jacqui, if you read this, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow, and I've got a lot of funny stories to tell you! So... good-bye for now! : )
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tenth Avenue North and Dance Camp!
After their concert there was a really great speaker who was absolutely hilarious and really really good. I can't remember his name at the moment, but I'll put it on here when I find out. He knew what life was all about- Jesus.
Then there was like an intermission, then Sanctus Real had a concert. I've seen them a couple times in concert, but they're really good too. So it was a wonderful night! And afterward, I got to meet my favorite band! Yeah, I know! I was pretty excited. Ok, really really excited. And when I was standing in line to meet them, I saw Nathan from my small group at Sr high camp, so we talked for a couple minutes. And then when I met the band and told the lead singer Mike that they were my favorite band, he was like "Really?" I think he was pretty shocked. But I don't know why cause they really are good. So I was like "Yeah," and I talked to him for a few minutes (well, seconds probably). But I explained that I loved their songs because when I hear them they are like God is speaking right to me, and Mike thought that was great and said that he hoped I was as impressed w/ and felt the same way about their next album coming out soon. So I'm super excited about that!
So after the concert my parents dropped me off at my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Lee's house in Lexington, and I spent the night there, went to church w/ them the next morning, then went to lunch w/ Uncle Lee and Andrew's youth group at Gatti Town. I ate a lot of food.
After that, we went back to my cousins' house, I quickly packed up the laundry I had hurriedly done that morning and night before, and we packed up and drove back to Aldersgate. I fell asleep on the way because I was so tired from my extreme, adventurous, epic week before. lol.
We got to camp, I unloaded my stuff at Uncle Lee's house, and I went up to the lodge to eat the delicious dinner the cooks had prepared for us. Lasagna! Yum!
Then we went to the chapel where we had worship, went around and said our name, where we were from, what we were doing that week, and what our favorite head covering was (such as a hat). I said mine was my neon orange fuzzy hat. Hey, actually I have a pic of me wearing that last summer. (I'm actually just putting this on here because I didn't get any pics of us that wk at dance camp, or many at the concert, but I like putting pictures w/ my posts, so I'll just do this one. lol) But anyway, here's my favorite head covering:

So Lauren Lile, a cook on staff, was the dean of dance camp because she danced for like 12 yrs and she is really really good. She taught the kids a dance that they performed at the end of the week, and they did so well. They were really good dancers. One of the little guys (he was about 10 yrs old, I think) was an amazing hip-hop dancer. He could dance so well, and he made me laugh a lot.
Since I was still tired from LM the week before, though, I found times to squeeze in little naps, like one day at pool time, and another day when we were letting the kids watch Monsters Inc. It was kind of a muggy day outside, and the kids were exhausted, so they all got in the floor of the cottage in their sleeping bags and were allowed to rest and nap if they wanted to during the movie, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. It was a nice nap.
But although I was kinda tired, it was a very good week. One day I got to the lead the kids up to Sugar Camp Cave, and another day to the clay wall, and I led a couple Bible Studies. So I had a really good time. And even though sometimes I tried to nap at pool time, the kids really wanted me to swim, so on Friday, since it was the last day, I decided to get in. I didn't really want to at first, but then when I did, the water felt really good, and I played football w/ Shumar and Roberto (the two boys), and it ended up being really fun. So that week went well, and I had a really good experience counseling. I enjoyed it, and the kids were good too. So I had another very great week, and I was so glad that I got to spend it at Aldersgate.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Leisure Ministries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ok, I guess I'll just start on Monday. The way down to camp is sooooo long because it's so exciting to know you're about to go spend a week at one of the best places on earth- Aldersgate Camp!!!
So I got there, super super excited, and I found out I was in a cabin w/ my cousin Chelsey, my friends Mash, Sarah, Lindsay, and my two new friends now: Brittany and "Kri". Oh, and my amazing counselor Cara. So of course I was already so pumped for the week. Then when we got to choose our majors (there are four amazing ones, btw- Adventure Learning, Outdoor Adventure, Drama, and Production), Chelsey and I decided to do Outdoor Adventure! (something I didn't think I'd do, or at least this yr!) But oh my goodness, it was like the most incredbile major I've done! I loved it! The people in my major were Chelsey and me, obviously (lol), Savannah, Anna, Josie, Zane, Brent, William, Alex, and Luke. And, of course, our fearless leaders Matthew (the same counselor of the guys cabin in my small group at Sr High Camp) and Sarah Noble. They were amazing. My whole group was amazing, and we became very close friends.
So every morning we started out w/ morning platform, then had breakfast, then the rest of the morning was our major time. So on Monday afternoon, we made compasses out of a bowl of water, a sponge, a needle, and a magnet. Tuesday our major group was gone all day because we were at Red River Gorge rock-climbing and canoeing, and it was soooo much fun. It was like one of my favorite days of the week. And that was actually the first time I'd ever rock-climbed, and I loved it! It really was challenging, but it was so extrememly fun. So was canoeing. Anna and I shared a canoe, and it was so great and peaceful on the little lake. There was like no one else there. We jumped off a huge rock into the lake (fun but scary- I screamed as I jumped! =]) and one of the coolest things about it was that we had Bible Study in the middle of the lake that day. We just all canoed to the middle, and the lesson that day "happened" to be about Jesus walking on the water. It was way too cool. Then on our way back to shore (we were dried off now, of course), Brent and Zane just felt the need to tip our canoe, so sure enough, over the side we went into the water. But it was ok. Actually it was really fun. =]
For Wednesday's major time, we learned how to build fires, then our group of ten was broken up into two groups and we had a contest about who could build a fire and burn through the twine (tied between two trees) first. All we had was a box of cheap matches, and anything else we could get to burn. Our team won, but only because the other team gave us matches when we ran out. It was a fun morning.
This was us after our fires were burning, and we were having our daily Bible Study.
Thursday morning during major time we went to Windy Cave. It was sooo incredible. The hike up part of the mountain was really hard, but the cave was so worth it. Once we got inside the cave, we had to get down on our stomachs and wiggle through a hole/tunnel sloping downward. It was actually really cool. Then once everybody got into the lower part of the cave, we had to climb up ropes and then go through another larger tunnel above us into a room called the "Cathedral Room" or something like that because it had like 60 foot ceilings. It was really awesome.
This is us after we finished making our shelters.
So after major time in the morning, we had lunch (and we actually only ate two lunches at the lodge because Tuesday we had our sack lunches of peanut butter and jelly when we went rock climbing, and Thursday we had turkey sandwiches at the cave because we wouldn't have made it back in time for lunch at the lodge), then quiet time. We would choose minors at lunch, then have them after quiet time.
Outdoor Adventure didn't have a minor on Tuesday because we were gone all day, but on Wednesday I did high ropes (and did all the elements, which was really cool), Thursday we had girl/guy time in the chapel (which is a nice, relaxing time where all the girls and counselors just rest in the air-conditioned chapel and talk and share stories and have a fun time. It was really great.), and Friday I did a games minor, where we learned how to play/teach games to a group of people. That was fun too.
So after minors we had swim time, which was always a lot of fun except that I only swam on Friday. But it was still nice to just go hang out at the pool, and talk to friends and stuff. But I did put my feet in each time, and the water felt really good. So everyday that Chelsey and I would do this, our friends would beg us to get in, but it just takes so long to change into/out of swim suits, and we were always tired from our morning "adventures", so we'd just sit there and put our feet in. So finally they convinced us on Thursday that we had to get in on Friday since it was our last day to swim. So, we got in, but it was kinda cool that day cause it had rained earlier, so we were very cold, and then after we were only in there for like 20 mins. it started to pour the rain. So much for swimming that day. lol :)
After swim time we had free time where we just hung out in the field in front of the lodge, and just talked, or played frisbee or basketball or football or four-square, or pretty much anything you wanted. That was always a good part of the day. And then directly after that we would go up to the lodge and eat. Yum yum!
Community Life was always after dinner, and it was always fun. Monday evening, they brought us inflatables (yes, us 10th- college freshmen) and we raced down the inflatable slide and jumped in the bouncehouse. It was great. And I don't know if you can tell, but in the pic on top, I'm going down the slide. hehe! =]
Always after community life, we'd go get ready for campfire, then go have snack time w/ everybody, then go straight to campfire. The cool thing about LM campfires is that you never know exactly where they're gonna be, cause they're not always in the campfire ring. But they are always super incredible with absolutely amazing worship. Monday night we had campfire out in the horse field, and there was a humongus bonfire (I mean, seriously, they were burning logs instead of sticks). Tuesday night it was by the creek, and that day was about getting out of the boat to follow Jesus, so near the end of campfire, Derek Robinette (our absolutely wonderful dean) said they would play a song, and when we felt led, we could take off our shoes and go wade in the creek. So we did. It was cold, but it was amaing. Awesome actually. Wednesday night campfire was at the campfire ring. Thursday it was behind the chapel, but we took the long- way to get there-- like a mini hike. That day was about Jesus' last day before He died, and we watched a clip from the Passion and had a really powerful service. Friday night we carried and followed the "body of Jesus" (someone was actually lying stretched out on boards w/ a sheet over them- it was really cool) around to different points of the field, then went and finished our campfire at the large pavilion, and had Communion and everything.
See, a really sweet thing about LM is that there's always a drama major, so all through the week there are great skits and dramas. And LM is like on a four year rotation kind of thing- the Beginning, the Prophets, the Life of Jesus, and Revelation. This year was the Life of Jesus, and all week it was like we were His disciples. So the drama major would always do scenes from Jesus' life, and it was kind of like His last week. On Thursday "Jesus" was taken by the Roman soldiers, and Friday He was beaten and nailed to a cross. And a really amazing thing about this was that it hadn't rained all week, but on Friday, the day Jesus was to die, it rained. We were woken up that morning to shouts of "Crucify Him", and after lunch, right before quiet time, they did. They "crucified" Him. (her, actually) And it rained. It was pouring the rain. So for quiet time, instead of spreading out like we usually did, we all gathered around the cross. And we prayed, and we contemplated, and we realized our Jesus really went through all this for us. It was amazing.
After campfire on Friday night, instead of sleeping in our cabins like we usually did, our Outdoor Advenure major got our sleeping bags and went to the backpacking area where we had put up our shelters. We built a fire and made s'mores, and it was really fun. Then we slept. It even rained on Friday night, but our shelters must've worked, because not one of us were wet!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
More Posts Coming! =]
I guess I'll get started on my first post: my week of Leisure Ministries. It was like my best week of summer yet, so I'll need a lot of time and room to write that one. :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
My Week In-Between
Sunday: Our youth group went to get ice cream at Crisp's, then we went to Central Park. hooray!
Monday: We went swimming at our cousins' pool and we got a trampoline (our first ever!)
Tuesday: Jacqui, Gabriel, and I pulled weeds and cleaned out gutters at our Mimi and Papaw's house. Then Jacqui and I spent the night with Bethany.
Wednesday: We walked and rode the tire swing at Bethany's, then came home, I took Gabriel to Wal-Mart, and we had youth.
Thuraday: I woke up with poison ivy. And I think we stayed home that day. It was nice and relaxing.
Friday: We washed windows and cleaned bathtubs at Mimi and Papaw's house. Then our cousin Randee's fiance Mark's little brother Matt (you got that?) is Gabriel's age, and they went to camp together last yr. Matt was coming in to visit (they live in Pikeville), so we wanted to get him and Gabriel together. So Matt, Mark, Randee, and her brother Jesse all came over and jumped on our trampoline, then we went to Randee and Jesse's (and Chelsey's, but she was volunteering at camp this wk) pool and swam in the freezing cold water, and Matt and Mark kept pouring/splashing water on us. Then we went home, got cleaned up, and went back to their house to set off fireworks with them. Then after that (it was about 11 pm by then), we played a girls- against- boys basketball game and had a really good time. It was Mark, Matt, Gabriel, and Jesse against Jacqui, Randee, and me. The guys won (Gabriel made the winning shot, btw! =] ), but the girls actually led until the end of the game. We were playing to 24 points, and the girls had it all the way until 22, then we were tied, so of course whoever made the next shot won. It was unfortunate for us girls. :)
Saturday: Fourth of July! We went to our great Aunt Dale's for the big 4th of July family get- together. Then we went to our Nanny's house to celebrate too, then my mom, Jacqui, my Mimi, and I went to Morehead to meet up with our cousin Leanndra. She's at GSP this summer, and Saturday was family day- when the students could leave all day to be with their families (the name makes sense, doesn't it =] ). So she invited us to Dairy Queen to have ice cream, and we had such a fun time. We laughed a whole whole lot.
Sunday: Went to church, Matt came home with Gabriel, we jumped on the trampoline, packed, had our youth dinner this evening, I led worship at church, had youth group, and came home and packed some more. Actually, I am still in the process.
And I am so super- duper excited about this wk! This camp is called Leisure Ministries and at this camp it's like we live the Bible. The first year I went, one day we were Hebrew slaves in Egypt. Last year one evening we hiked up a mountain and went into "exile" and slept in tents. It was sooo cool. So I am so very excited. And this yr is the life of Jesus, so this will be a really great one too. And then to top it off, on Saturday on our way home from camp, we are going to stop in Winchester and see a Sanctus Real and Tenth Avenue North (my FAVORITE band!) concert. So that will make leaving camp not as sad, because I always am when I go home. So next week is going to be sooooooooooo great, and I'm very excited to see what God is going to do!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sr. High Cabin Camp!!!
I don't even know how to begin to describe this week, and it's waaay too much to tell, but I'll try to tell the major points. So to begin...
I had an amazing cabin with an amazing counselor, Katie. Here's a picture of us on the last day of camp. From left to right, it's Katie, me, my cousin Bethany and friend Brandi, Callie, Helena, Danielle, and Cristina. We had an absolutely wonderful group of girls in our cabin, and we got really close this week.

Campfires are always so amazing, and God's presence is always so strong there. The food, of course, is sooo good, and the pool is too. Every evening we had Community Life, which is some activity the whole camp does together. Monday we had the option of swimming, basketball, or volleyball. We chose swimming, though I don't think we even got in the pool. Tuesday was Folk Dancing, which is always a blast. Wednesday we played Mingle, a game which gets people in different groups to meet other people and talk about different things either about yourself or world issues or anything. It's quite interesting. Then we played Ninja and Wa. Thursday was Coffee House. That's where we all went to the chapel and had different stations to go to, like snacks, games, music, art, prayer for the world, etc. It was really fun. Then Friday was the talent show. My small group did "Cleaning the Bathhouse". We got like the whole camp to stand up and do the motions with us like wiping the mirrors, sweeping the floors, plunging the toilet, taking out the trash, etc. It was fun and funny.
Every morning we would get up and get ready, go to breakfast, then have morning aerobics with Emily Kemp, the fun and hilarious assistant camp director. That was so much fun. Then we'd have quiet time, which is so awesome at Aldersgate because it's out in nature in the quiet, and it's just so beautiful. Then we would have small group time. Our small group would have Bible Study for the rest of the morning, then go to lunch. After lunch, we'd swim, then do another activity. Tuesday we went to Sugar Camp Cave. You start out walking inside it, then get down on your knees, then eventually you have to pull yourself along on your stomach, and it's kind of difficult, and it's wet and cold. But it's so cool. Then when you get to the back of the cave, everyone can stand up again, and we talked, then turned out all the lights and just stood in the dark and quiet for a few seconds. It was really cool. Wednesday we did low ropes, which are wonderful, fun group elements that get your group closer by teaching us team work. Low ropes are one of my favorite things at camp. Then on Thursday, we switched our Bible Study and activity time, so that morning after Quiet Time, we went to the clay wall. As the name hints, it's just a huge wall of clay in the creek, going up the hillside, and it was fun. We got the clay and put it on us, and I made designs on my arms and we put clay under our eyes like football players do, and we went to lunch that way. Everyone liked it. So that afternoon, we hiked up to Buffalo Cave and had Bible study up there. It was sooo cool because during Bible Study, it started pouring the rain super hard and thundering and lightning. But we were completely safe and sheltered because the top of the cave stretched out over the edge of the mountain where we were, and it was like we were watching a curtain of water pour down over the trees below us on the mountain. We played the game Bacock (I really have no idea how to spell it-- that's just how it sounds!), then when the rain nearly stopped, we hiked back down the very steep trail and slipped and slid the whole way down. But we had so much fun. Then on Friday we did high ropes, which I loved. It's like probably between twenty and thirty feet off the ground, but of course you're harnessed in. I mean, it's still kind of scary all the way up there, but it was so much fun. I tried three different elements that I'd never done before. They were harder, but they were a lot of fun. I really enjoyed them.So anyway, after pool time and our small group activity, we had free time with the whole camp, then dinner. Then we had Community Life, then campfire. Oh, campfire. I just absolutely love it so much. Here's our campfire ring.
The last day, they told us that if that day we'd eat at Pizza Hut in Irvine, Aldersgate would get 20% of the profit from our meal. So of course, we thought it'd be a great idea to eat there for lunch. So we went, and there were like a bunch of people from camp, and it was so exciting! I mean, we'd just seen everyone like fifteen minutes before, but it was still cool. Bethany, Brandi, and I all rode down together on Monday, and my mom drove us down, then Uncle Rocky and Aunt Denise picked us up on Saturday. Here's a picture of Brandi, me, and Bethany at Pizza Hut. Then before we left we got a picture of us with the jute box in the restaurant. We had a good time.

So I have absolutely loved this week, and I made many friends- my cabin girls, my small group guys, Eryn, Mary, Sarah, Sara, James, Sammy, Shawn, Jerrod.... and so many many more. I miss them and Aldersgate, but God is the same God here as He is at Aldersgate. It's just so easy and wonderful to go there and get away from everything-- all life's troubles and problems and kind of just escape for a week. I'm exhausted but so so happy. I'm so blessed to be able to go to Aldersgate each year, and I'm so very very glad that I'm going back in a week. But until then... : ) I love camp!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Aldersgate, Here I Come!
This has been a wonderful week home, and a very good weekend. Saturday Mom and I went shopping, then went to Mimi and Papaw's where we had our Father's Day celebration. Jacqui, Bethany, and I sat out on the front porch for hours in the beautiful summer weather. Then, of course, today was great! Happy Father's Day, Daddy! : )
But tomorrow...
I'm headed to camp! I'll be at Aldersgate all week for Senior High Cabin Camp with my friends Brandi and Bethany. We will have an amazing week, and I'll be sure to write all about it when I get home. I'm sure I'll have so much to tell. But for now...
Aldersgate, here I come!