Friday, April 16, 2010


Wow! So I got on here just now for the first time in over three months, and the first thing I saw was "Ho Ho Ho!" So yes, it's definitely been a waaayy long time, but I've been sooo super busy lately. But the good thing is, it's all been fun, wonderful stuff!

At the beginning of this semester Jacqui and I decided we wanted to start taking dance and karate classes. So...that's what we did! Well, we only got to do karate like less than two months then they changed the night of the wk to the night we have dance. But it's ok because we're busy with other fun things too. Here's a brief overview of my schedule each wk:

Sun: Church, family dinner and afternoon together (Jacqui and I decided to start goin hiking on Sun afternoons after we had a picnic at my uncle's old farm and took a walk there with Dad and Gabriel last wk), then choir practice (although I think it's about over for the summer now that the Easter cantata's done) and youth group.

Mon: We don't have school on Mondays! (except for the last one each month) So every other wk I work at my Mimi and Papaw's, then Mon evening Jacqui and I have dance. We go to jazz, then go eat during our free hr. bewteen classes, then have ballet. We love it! :)

Tues: (besides school, of course) I have my piano lesson, then we eat at our Mimi and Papaw's, and we try to jog or ride bikes or something over at their house those evenings.

Wed: I teach two piano lessons after school, then we have youth.

Thurs: After school I have archery, then I'm home for the evening! (the only night of the wk! lol)

Fri: Praise band practice after school, then basketball practice (during season, of course), but that just ended a few wks ago, so now we go home and do different stuff. Sometimes I teach a piano lesson to my little cousin. Last wk we went to a concert with our other cousins (I'll have to tell about that later because it was AMAZING! :) ) and tonight we had an open house/registration/dedication of the new playground at school (and let me tell ya, that playground is sooo much fun. Our high school class is reeaally enjoying it! lol)

Sat: !? Um, actually idk what we do on Saturdays lol. Clean? Usually some. A couple wks ago I was on my senior trip (which I am also going to tell about, but it will take a whole separate post!). Mom, Jacqui, and I went to the mall a couple Saturdays ago to shop for Easter, and last Saturday Jacqui and I went to the mall to look for a dress for our Nashville trip which is next wk, but we didn't find any so we're going again tomorrow......

See why I never have time to blog! lol :)

But things are definitely fun and wonderful, just busy and sometimes slightly crazy. But I love my life; it's wonderful. So are my family and my friends and my Jesus. So I'll be blogging again hopefully soon (actually I'm going to start working on it right now) about my senior trip. I'm going to try to keep it brief, but I have a feeling it's going to be a long one. lol :)

P.S. I'm absolutely LOVING this weather! It's gorgeous outside!!! :)

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