Friday, April 16, 2010

Senior Trip!!!

Ok, so.....

Well, technically my senior trip (or at least the fun of it, anyway) began the Friday evening before we left. Mom, Jacqui, and I were going to the mall to get some things before I left, and we met my friend Brandi (the other senior girl) and her mom. Then we all shopped together then ate at Fiesta Bravo in the mall. It was so much fun!

Then we had to go home and begin packing. Yeah, begin. I didn't get home til after midnight, I believe, and we had to leave at 5 Saturday morning. I'm pretty sure I got 1 hr of sleep that night.
Then yay! We're off! We met our teacher Mrs. Fields and her husband, Jim, and we were on our way. I slept. And slept. And slept. Besides the few times we stopped and got out of the car, I slept til we got to Georgia. But we stopped at a rest area in South Carolina and had a picnic. It was so fun! We sat at this picnic table under these trees with huge pink flowers on them and the petals would blow all around us and it was so pretty!

Oh, and we're headed to Florida, btw. Just thought I'd put that out there :)

So we arrive at Daytona Beach (the first stop of our trip) at about 8 that evening. Oh my goodness, the ocean is beautiful! I've been a few times before, but not for a few years, and every time you see the ocean it's, I can't even put it into words. It's just breath-taking.

So we go putt-putting across the street from our hotel, then get back and go on the beach for about an hr, even though it's dark. But the beach is always amazing.

The next morning we got up to see the sunrise. I don't know if I've actually watched a sunrise before, but I know I never have at the beach. It was gorgeous too. Amazing.

Then we went in, had a continental breakfast then went out on the beach the rest of the morning. Some of Jim and Mrs. Fields' friends live down there, so that afternoon we went and ate at a seafood restaurant called Aunt Catfish's. I had bay scallops, I think, and they were really good! And we saw dolphins! While we were waiting on our food, Brandi and I went out on the dock and watched them. I don't think I've ever seen any before at the beach. It was so cool!

Another night walk on the beach, then bed (although I don't think we reached that point til about 3 or so, and we were getting up at 5. But it was ok, because even though the next morning came early, we slept the hr from Daytona to Orlando. And we went to Disney World!!

Neither Brandi or I had ever been to Disney before, and we had soo much fun! That first day we got there it was rainy, but then it cleared up by late morning and it acually turned out to be a pretty day! We went to Epcot and had a really great time. We visited all the little "countries" and saw the final show in the evening.

This is us at Epcot.....Us with the legendary trolls in Norway.....Us with our Chinese friend :)

These were some kid acrobats in China and they were amazing!!

....And this is us at Italy with Lady and the Tramp.

This is the final show at Epcot that evening. It's all about celebrating everyone all over the world. And in the last picture, Brandi and I were freezing, so Jim got us some hot chocolate.

Our second day at Disney we went to Hollywood Studios. It was soo cool. We watched this Indiana Jones stunt show which was really cool and really funny. Later that day we also watched a car stunt show which was really really really cool. For lunch we went to Planet Hollywood and Downtown Disney which was soo yummy and soo cool, then went back to Hollywood Studios for the rest of the afternoon and evening. We did things like rides and stuff, and saw part of an outdoor drama of Beauty and the Beast. That night we saw the final show too, which was Mickey's Nightmare, or somethin like that. It was really good. All the ending shows are really good.

Us with Mary Poppins' umbrella!....And these are our feet next to Shaquille O'Neal's shoes at Planet Hollywood!

The next day we went to Downtown Disney for the first half, then to Animal Kingdom the second. At Downtown Disney we just walked around and looked in all the different shops and stuff. It was really cool. At Animal Kingdom we did some rides too....Oh, and I almost lost my phone on a roller coaster the day before at Hollywood Studios. We rode the Rockin' Roller Coaster, I think it was called, and apparently my phone came out of my pocket when I was in the seat. When we got out and were walking, I felt my pockets and realized it wasn't there. So I told the lady working the roller coaster, so she said we'd check the next time it came around. So Brandi kept callin my phone the whole time it was in there, hoping that someone would see it. And they did, because when the next people got off the ride, this guy was carrying a phone just lookin at it, and the guy workin there asked if it was his and the other guy was like, yeah, I think it's my phone. But it really was mine, and I was glad the worker got it for me and that it wasn't lost. It was an inside roller coaster and it was dark in there, and there were a couple loops and stuff so I'm really glad it didn't fall out of the seat. That was a huge relief. But anyway, back to Animal Kingdom....We did a safari ride which was cool. Then we ate at the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. It was soo yummy too. We got a volcano for dessert. It's this brownie, ice cream, whipped cream, very very chololatey dessert. I'd head it was big, but it was huge! It took all four of us to eat it, and we still didn't quite finish it. Brandi and I had to take the rest with us in a box.

This is at Downtown Disney. I'm not exactly sure who that man was, but he must've been someone pretty important to have a statue made of him. Then there's a picture of me next to my new corvette and my new Harley. Well.....yeah, ok. It's ok to pretend though, right?

hehehe :)

Our last day we went to Magic Kingdom. It was soo cool too! We did rides and stuff and saw a parade, and while we were waiting for the parade to start (Mrs. Fields, Jim, and Brandi were on the sidewalk), I was in this book shop reading a book about Ronald Reagan. lol. Quick fact: Did you know he was a life guard when he was younger and saved 77 lives? Ok, anyway, the parade was so good, and we saw another one that night. It was the huge, big main fireworks one! But that evening before the final show we decided to go back to our resort (we stayed in Coronado Springs, btw. It was cool.) and Brandi and I were gonna swim a little, but we didn't really because it was cold. Well, we got in, but then I got out....Ok, that was a nice story, wasn't it? So anway, that evening we went back to see the final parade and the fireworks and it was beautiful! Just like on tv! lol But waayy cooler. Disney really is magical! :)

The parade that afternoon was really cool, and here's a picture of Pater Pan, because he was one of my favorites when I was little :).......And the fireworks! That was the final show at Magic Kingdom that evening.

Oh, and Mrs. Fields got Brandi and me both Mickey ears that said Class of 2010 with our names on the back!! :)

So we had a really great trip. Oh, but even though the wk was over didn't mean the adventure was. (That's what Jim called it anyway. He said he doesn't call things trips or vacations- he calls them adventures :) ) But it really was. On the way home our van shut down twice (yes, while we were driving. On the road.) Then we stopped at this little flea market (actually it was huge!) because Jim wanted to get some big Florida strawberries. So the van was ok, but then there was apparently an accident or somethin on the interstate in South Carolina because traffic was stopped, so we had to take like a three hour detour. (Oh, but something I just realized that I don't think the rest of them have is that Mrs. Fields and Jim gave Brandi and me the map on the way back so we could learn how to navigate. They told us to choose the route to go through South Carolina, so I just chose one....and apparently it happened to be the one with the accident, which was why our trip took 3 extra hours and we got back after midnight instead of 9. But anyway, they haven't picked up on it that it was my idea to take that way, so you don't have to remind them if you don't want.) So anyway, on our detour we got to this little town called Bamburg, and the speed limit was 30 and we were still going 41 so we got a ticket of like $250. Then we went to Arby's to grab lunch on the go and hit a pick-up truck while we were backing was just one of those days. But we did make it home, so it was all good. And that just made it all the more fun. It turned out to be an adventure after all.

So it was an amazingly fun senior trip, we made such happy memories, the beach reminds me of our awesome, magnificent Creator, and Disney reminds me to always be a kid at heart :)


Wow! So I got on here just now for the first time in over three months, and the first thing I saw was "Ho Ho Ho!" So yes, it's definitely been a waaayy long time, but I've been sooo super busy lately. But the good thing is, it's all been fun, wonderful stuff!

At the beginning of this semester Jacqui and I decided we wanted to start taking dance and karate classes. So...that's what we did! Well, we only got to do karate like less than two months then they changed the night of the wk to the night we have dance. But it's ok because we're busy with other fun things too. Here's a brief overview of my schedule each wk:

Sun: Church, family dinner and afternoon together (Jacqui and I decided to start goin hiking on Sun afternoons after we had a picnic at my uncle's old farm and took a walk there with Dad and Gabriel last wk), then choir practice (although I think it's about over for the summer now that the Easter cantata's done) and youth group.

Mon: We don't have school on Mondays! (except for the last one each month) So every other wk I work at my Mimi and Papaw's, then Mon evening Jacqui and I have dance. We go to jazz, then go eat during our free hr. bewteen classes, then have ballet. We love it! :)

Tues: (besides school, of course) I have my piano lesson, then we eat at our Mimi and Papaw's, and we try to jog or ride bikes or something over at their house those evenings.

Wed: I teach two piano lessons after school, then we have youth.

Thurs: After school I have archery, then I'm home for the evening! (the only night of the wk! lol)

Fri: Praise band practice after school, then basketball practice (during season, of course), but that just ended a few wks ago, so now we go home and do different stuff. Sometimes I teach a piano lesson to my little cousin. Last wk we went to a concert with our other cousins (I'll have to tell about that later because it was AMAZING! :) ) and tonight we had an open house/registration/dedication of the new playground at school (and let me tell ya, that playground is sooo much fun. Our high school class is reeaally enjoying it! lol)

Sat: !? Um, actually idk what we do on Saturdays lol. Clean? Usually some. A couple wks ago I was on my senior trip (which I am also going to tell about, but it will take a whole separate post!). Mom, Jacqui, and I went to the mall a couple Saturdays ago to shop for Easter, and last Saturday Jacqui and I went to the mall to look for a dress for our Nashville trip which is next wk, but we didn't find any so we're going again tomorrow......

See why I never have time to blog! lol :)

But things are definitely fun and wonderful, just busy and sometimes slightly crazy. But I love my life; it's wonderful. So are my family and my friends and my Jesus. So I'll be blogging again hopefully soon (actually I'm going to start working on it right now) about my senior trip. I'm going to try to keep it brief, but I have a feeling it's going to be a long one. lol :)

P.S. I'm absolutely LOVING this weather! It's gorgeous outside!!! :)