Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ho Ho Ho! (He He He) =)

Well, it's been over a month this time, but I am writing this blog for Macey because she wanted a new one. And I'll even put pictures on here to make up for some time too Macey lol. So....
Christmas was super! Christmas Eve we had a family get-together at our great-aunt's house and some extended family came and stuff and it was fun. Then that evening we went to our Papaw's house and had a really good time there too.
(Three generations: My Papaw, My Dad, My Brother =] )

Oh, and that night was fun because our Aunt Chris wanted a kitten but she didn't want the rest of her family to know, so she had Randee and Mark pick it out and they left it at our house. So on Christmas Eve night after everyone was asleep but Aunt Chris, we took over the kitten and they had a big surprise waiting on them Christmas morning. It was so fun playing Santa!! :)

And Christmas morning was so wonderful too! My Nanny had spent the night for a few nights that week, so she was there too and it was really fun. Our Aunt Sandy in NC always sends us Christmas packages and we open those in Christmas Eve. So that's what we were doin here.

And usually on Christmas Day after we have Christmas at our house, all the family goes to Mimi and Papaw's, but this year our family in England moved back to the US and they flew in on Christmas Day!!! So that day Dad made a really great Christmas dinner at our house which was really really good.

Daddy reading us the Christmas story after dinner.

Christmas evening we went to meet our family at the airport which was exciting. Then on Sunday we had the family celebration at Mimi and Papaw's. It was so fun too. There's not a picture of us that evening with Mimi and Papaw, but here's one with us cousins and our great aunt that comes to the party too. =)

So in the meantime, while our family in England is moving back to the United States, some of our family living here are moving to Winchester. So a couple days last week we drove up loads of stuff to their new house and that was really cool.

And then New Year's was also very wonderful! We were hoping to go to a Ravenna concert (the band Chelsey and Mark are in) in Winchester, but it was supposed to snow that evening so we didn't get to go =( But things turned out good. And our family watched the ball drop and made New Year's resolutions together and stuff like that, so it was a cool evening.

So that has been a super quick abbreviated summary of my break (no, not even of Christmas break, just of the holidays). Ok, so it's not super quick, but it's shorter than what I usually do. I think. But when I don't write in over a month, I've got to catch up, right Macey? =) (do you like how I keep referring to your name this time?) =] lol

So this has been a really fantastic Christmas break. We made special family memories like stringing popcorn for the tree, watching many Hallmark Christmas movies, painting the kitchen cabinets white on New Year's Eve (that was mainly Mom's idea lol), pulling up the carpet in our living room to reveal the pretty hardwood underneath (another one of mom's house projects. But it all looks good! lol), driving back and forth to Winchester a couple days in a row delivering loads of our family's belongings from one house to their other, and making New Year's resolutions together in the living room while we watched the ball drop. So it was really a super great break.
And I know it's a little late, but...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! =)