Monday, October 26, 2009


Today is my eighteenth birthday and it's been sooo great!!!

Well, for one thing, we don't have school on Mondays, so we got to be home today, and the school my mom teaches at is out for sickness, so she was home today with us too! So it was good bein with them today.

See, the day started out with us thinking we were going to get flu and pneumonia shots, but when we got to the health dept, the flu immunization things weren't even shots! They were just that mist stuff you spray in your nose, so that was no big deal. And then they told us they didn't give people our age pneumonia shots, even though we thought everything about that had been established on the phone earlier. But, I mean, hey, I was fine with not getting two shots today!

Then we went to Wal-Mart on the way home, and Mom bought some ingredients for quiche and other things for my bday. Then we came home and had a super fun day. It was gorgeous outside today, which made me sooo happy and surprised me since it's the end of October. So I spent time outside, and Jacqui, Gabriel (and even Mom for a while), jumped on the trampoline a lot, and we played football on it, which was really fun. Well, ok, football as in my brother had the ball, so I tried to tackle him and get it from him, but that didn't work so well. We just fell on the trampoline and were rolling all over the place, me trying to get the ball from him, and him keeping it from me, and then Jacqui tried to help too. We played that for a while, keeping the football away from the others, and the others like on top of you, trying to get it back. It was quite fun! lol :)

So now Mom's teaching her night class at the college, then when she gets home we're gonna have a little party. I was thinkin today that I'm sooo blessed. I'm surrounded by family and great friends who love me, and a God Who's crazy about each one of us, and He gave us this perfect weather and He made laughter which I love. I laugh a lot. I'm just so happy and thankful and, well, yeah, that's what I was gonna say. So anyway, I've had a super fun day. Oh, and my Nanny who has Alzeheimers just now called while I was typin this and she wished me a happy birthday, and it was so good talking to her. She still does pretty well right now. I mean, she's even still able to live by herself! But that's another reason that I'm so blessed: to still have my Nanny who's doin well, and for all of my wonderful grandparents; my Mimi just called too. :) So I'm just a very happy girl tonight. And I feel so blessed. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall Break!

Hey everyone-- it's fall outside!!!

Last week was my fall break and it was soooo wonderful. Just wonderful. I have a great school and great friends, and thankfully not a hard work load at all this year-- but I was ready for a break. The week was fun, but it started before that first Monday we got to sleep in. It began Friday evening for our middle/ high school spirit week banquet, or as we affectionately call it, "Formal Hangout." And see, formal hangout is the end to our wonderful spirit week, but I'll have to post about that later. I know I say that all the time, that I'll post later, but when something exciting happens, I want to put that right then. lol. So, oh yes! Formal Hangout...

We were dismissed at 2 on Friday after our fun and very messy olympics. We all had to go home, shower all the chocolate, oatmeal, etc. off of us (don't worry, I really will try to explain later). Then we got all dressed up and met at the picture studio in Sears to, well, get our pictures taken! Then finally, finally we got to go to Melini's. It's this delicious Italian Restaurant, and we were all very hungry. So we ate there (I got a wonderful portion of fettuccini chicken alfredo which was super yummy but also too much to eat. But no worries- I took it home and ate it for lunch the next day=] ) Then we headed back to school where we all got changed from our "formal clothes" into jeans and hoodies and played Keep-Away with a little ball, boys against girls, on the parking lot in the dark and the cold... it was so much fun! lol. We also had a little bonfire and we stood around that some, and we hung out in the gym and ate snacks and talked. It was really fun. We left about midnight and slept in on Saturday. It was so wonderful. That day I did absolutely nothing, and it made me very excited because I knew I was about to have a whole week of relaxation like that. So I'll give a quick over-view of my week. The funny thing is, the weekends encompassing fall break were actually some of the best parts of it, but the week was wonderful too.

Sunday afternoon we had a birthday party for our cousin, but we only got to stay a few minutes because I had choir practice at church, then I led worship, then we had youth. So after church Jacqui, Gabriel, and I went back over to our cousins' house, and we watched Bride Wars with Chelsey and Aunt Chris. It was a fun evening.

Monday- relaxtion. Completely. It was cool but sunshiny out, and I laid on the trampoline in the warm sunshine and was super happy that we were on break.

Tuesday- I had a piano lesson that evening, then we went to Mimi and Papaw's house and ate dinner and visited with them for a while, which is always really fun.

Wednesday- I went with Chelsey and Aunt Chris to help show Chelsey the course for her driving test, then we picked up Jacqui and Gabriel and we went back to Aunt Chris and Uncle Mark's house where we helped them move furniture and such. As we were moving Jesse into Randee's old room, we had House of Heroes playing really loud and we were eating runts candy from like 3 Christmases ago, and it was a blast! Then we ate dinner with them (Aunt Chris made a super yummy meal), then went to youth with Randee and Mark.

Thursday- We went to Mimi and Papaw's again. Fun! :)

Then Friday was the beginning of our fun weekend! We went down to Lexington to stay the night with Aunt Debbie and Leanndra because we were going to the Cincinnati Zoo the next day. But that evening I got to go to one of my best friends' football games in Bourbon Co, and I had a such a good time!!! And since we live like 2 and a half hours or so from there, I hardly ever get to see my friend, so it was really good to see him. Oh, and they won. Hooray!

And Saturday, we went to the zoo! We had a really great time there too. I hadn't been to the zoo in a long time, but it was so much fun. I'm sorry I don't have any pics to post on here, because we saw some really cool animals, but I didn't take my camera in with me, and my brother did, but I don't have his pics on here. But anyway, we saw elephants and lions, rhinos and tigers, seals, bears, birds, gorillas, monkeys... so many pretty, cute animals (and some not so cute. But very entertaining.) I enjoy watching like all of the animals, but I think maybe the tigers were my favorite that day. There was a beautiful mommy tiger and four little cubs and they were sooo cute. But the cutest thing was that the momma was resting there, with her beautiful face and fur, and her big pretty paws crossed so delicately (if a huge tiger can be delicate), and one of her little cubs was behind her just kinda laying there too with its little paw on his momma, and it was so sweet!! They were really cute!!

Then Sunday was homecoming at the church where my Papaw pastors, so we went there and heard great music (from some of our family; 0ur second couins to be exact), heard my uncle (who's also a pastor at a different church) speak, and had a delicious meal. Church dinners are the best.

So my fall break was very, very wonderful. Everyone needs some down time and relaxation once in a while, and I think my week was just about perfect for that. :)